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Current Research

Find out more about the clinical trials and current research happening at the University of Colorado Movement Disorders Center.

Join the Research Database

Are you interested in participating in clinical research? Join our Neurology Research Database to be connected with a recruitment specialist. This specialist will get you connected with studies that may be a good match for you! Healthy care partners, family, friends, and the community are welcome to join the database too! You can also reach our recruitment specialists by phone (303-724-4644) or email. Resources available in English and Spanish.

Research Catalog

Are you interested in seeing what’s going on in Research in the Neurology Department? Check out the Research Catalog! This is a summary of research going on across the field of Neurology at the University of Colorado. Thank you to our talented research professionals for putting it together!

Michelle Fullard, MS, MSCE
Director of Research

Isabelle Buard, PhD
Associate Director of Research

Are you interested in one of the studies below?

Contact our research team to learn more at or 303-724-4644. Resources are available in English and Spanish.

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Research FAQ

What is basic science research?

Basic science is pure/scientific research that is typically conducted “benchtop” or in a lab and aims to improve the understanding of disease.

What is clinical research?

Clinical research is the scientific study of health and illness in people, often done by conducting clinical trials

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are clinical research studies that aim to determine the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, and treatment regiments. They are divided into four phases.

  • Phase 1: Test safety and dosages
  • Phase 2: Test safety and side effects
  • Phase 3: Test safety and effectiveness
  • Phase 4: Post-approval monitoring of safety and effectiveness

Why should you participate in clinical research?

  • All of the current treatments came through clinical trials.
  • Low participation rates mean that clinical trials do no finish on time. That means there are delays in advances.
  • People in clinic trials tend to have better clinical outcomes. This could be because they are more closely observed by an expert clinician, a placebo effect, or because it inspires hope.
  • It is a unique gift that you can give to the community.

What clinical research is currently being conducted at the University of Colorado Movement Disorders Center?

We are currently engaged in a wide range of clinical research, including:

  • Neuroprotective agents and treatment drug trials for Parkinson disease
  • Innovative drug delivery systems for Parkinson disease
  • Natural history, rating scale, and genetic studies in dystonia
  • Medical marijuana for Parkinson disease
  • Novel deep brain stimulation targets for Parkinson disease
  • Symptom treatments for Huntington disease, spinocerebellar ataxia, and Parkinson disease dementia
  • Music therapy and palliative care for Parkinson disease and dementia
  • Non-invasive neurostimulation for the treatment of dystonia

Additional Resources
Fox Trial Finder
Fox Insight
Parkinson’s Foundatio: PD GENEration

Brain Donation Resources

Brain donation is a powerful way to help advance research. If you are interested, please call the office of Decedent Affairs at 720-848-4356.

Current Research