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COVID-19 Update

We are announcing our new Movement Disorders Center website a little earlier than expected. This website is still a work in progress. However, it offers us additional opportunities to keep in touch with our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve released our Spring 2020 On the Move! Newsletter. Please see our newsletter section to read the latest MDC news.

UCHealth has implemented guidelines to keep patients, providers, and staff healthy during this time. The Neurology department has added their own measures too. If you have an appointment in the upcoming weeks, you may be getting a call to move your appointment to a virtual visit at your provider’s discretion. Virtual visits will help us make sure all our patients are seen in a timely manner. Providers are monitoring their schedules very closely.

To see UCHealth’s policy please visit UCHealth’s website.

Movement Disorders ColoradoAlthough we’ve been treading a lot of new terrain through this pandemic, we are excited by how connected technology has kept us. On Wednesday, March 18, we hosted our first virtual movement disorders learning session. Our fellows were able to continue their education despite the distance between us!

We are trying to keep things uninterrupted when possible and appreciate your flexibility with appointments.

We recommend checking the links below for updates on COVID-19.

Parkinson’s Foundation
Center for Disease Control
CDC Fact Sheet

Stay Well!

-The Movement Disorders Team